Thursday 14 May 2015

The Engagement Part 1: The Story

There are still so many of you that asked for our story and haven't heard it yet and so I figured why not blog?

If you are a girl, this is it... The full story, from beginning to end, unabridged! If you are a boy and you heard that Mike Howell is the guy to get romantic proposal tips from, well then maybe you'd want to skip to the end ;)

So, as any story being told by a girl goes, it starts about two weeks before the actual proposal.

One evening we were invited to Iain and Lara Kruger's house for dinner. They were heading to Mauritius with the Minters (Lara's family) and so they asked if we could please hang out on the Saturday after they arrived back from Maurish. We haven't hung out with you guys in aaaaages - They said. We can do something fun - They said. We'll hang out all day!

SO, in the week after they arrived back from Mauritius we started making a plan. Which, for the four of us is rather unusual. Normally our time together consists of Lara making food for the boys and me helping and the boys killing aliens/ zombies/ soldiers/ playing fifa/ wanting nutella hot chocolate. Never the less we had a tentative plan to go to Cape Point Vineyard for lunch (I have been dying to picnic there for a few months now). Sadly, those plans fell through on the Thursday because of the venue being booked out for a wedding. 

We were plan-less until on Friday night Lara sent Mike a message saying that she was at a colleagues birthday party and someone there mentioned that you could apparently watch the sunset from the lighthouse in Kommetjie.

Mike had also asked if I would please come and watch the u16s play their first hockey match. I reluctantly agreed.

Obviously, I was keen and so our plan was set! And Mike and the Krugers rested easily that night knowing that at least I would get as far as the lighthouse ;)

Now onto Saturday, the day of the proposal.

Mike needed to be at school by 8am (for the hockey match) and so naturally my reluctance persisted and developed somewhat into a sort of grumpiness until I finally had some breakfast and coffee. After the game, Mike grabbed a second coffee at Vida Camps Bay because frankly, the man is addicted. While Mike drank his coffee and had his breakfast croissant we sat on the beach where we were approached by a number of hawkers. One of which was our now friend, Gift:

Gift and his brother are here from Zim. Gift used to be employed as a barman at Zulu Bar in town which has since closed down and so he has taken to hawking. Gift shared some of his story with us as well as his deep faith that The Lord will provide a sustainable income for him again.

We also met two Malawian refugees, Joe and his brother Dan. Joe sold us the very first painting that we bought together (Mike paid ;)). After meeting all these super cool guys we just had some time to reflect on how much God has given us and how easy our lives are in comparison. 

We then went to the Promenade for a skate. SO fun in theory: going downhill, with no wind, and not having to skate back 2,5kms uphill. I joke. We had an awesome time! 
The day was meant to model our first date which consisted of a walk along the prom followed by sushi at Beluga which has become a staple favourite for us!

Still feeling our friend Gift heavily on our hearts, we prayed for him and then we reminisced some about how far we had come since our first date.

After that we headed back to the car and made our way to... Yup! You've guessed, Beluga!

After our delicious lunch I was pretty keen to head to the beach early for a bit of a stroll before the sun set. Obviously, this would have ruined the surprise element of the proposal and so Mike managed to distract me with Allegiance one of the best series' I have watched. After that, Mike stalled even further with the longest shower ever.

Why are you putting on your fancy shirt? For the sunset pictures - said Mike
After that I felt the need to change too and so by the time we left for Kommetjie it was well after 6. The drive through was perfect. We tend to spend a lot of time in the car together. This time there was no traffic, no rush to get anywhere, just the two of us, our embarrassing sense of humour and the perfect soundtrack courtesy of The Digital Age one of our favourite Christian bands! I chattered on about an awesome restaurant I had once visited with Shannon and kept saying how exciting it was to potentially be watching sunset from a lighthouse. I say potentially because I had googled the place only to find that they were closed on weekends! Nevermind Mike said. Sunset will be just as beautiful from the rocks. Metaphorically, Mike has had to remind me of that concept over and over but more of that another time!

As we arrived in Kommetjie, Lara sent a message saying that they had arrived early and were already waiting for us at the top. 

We drove up to the lighthouse and there was a small parking lot and a fence and an automatic gate with a sign which read: CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE. Which raised some suspicion as I had not yet seen Iain and Lara's car. But magically, as Mike drove up to the gate, it opened and parked next to the lighthouse was Lara's car. Suspicion then vanished.

Also, the door to the lighthouse was ACTUALLY open and so I could not contain my excitement! I LOVE lighthouses and had told Mike as much some months ago when Mike chose the design for his skateboard made by our very talented friend Daniel Domancie (of Kingdom Longboards and PromenadeMondays).

My 'excited selfie' - Sunset in a Lighthouse

Clearly I was excited because, HELLO, sunset in a L I G H T H O U S E. Come on!

Climbing up those 150 odd literally vertical stairs, I fully expected to see Iain and Lara at the top. 

I never expected to see this at the top:

Nor this:

At first, Mike said Oh dear, do you think maybe we've crashed someone else's vibe?
To which I responded Where's Lara? 

{As a quick side bar, let me just mention the fact that it was about fifty degrees Celsius in that completely glass room which only had the sun beating down on it all day}

Mike quickly mentioned that he had made me a present in the week. He handed over a stack of Polaroid sized photos and the top one said:

The following pictures were of special memories that we had shared over the past 20 months together with captions from the very beginning of our relationship right through to the present day. By the time I got to the last picture, Mike was on his knee and he asked if I would marry him. The whole moment was incredibly surreal and I could not believe my incredible boyfriend had planned the most perfect and romantic proposal. I would have said yes even if he'd just taken me out for coffee (don't tell him that now!)

We eventually called Iain and Lara to come and watch the sunset with us and take a few pics. They had helped Mike with the planning a lot and have really supported us both throughout our relationship. They had come through earlier to set up for us and so it was incredibly special to share that moment with them.

Next, we went to have dinner at The Woodstock Lounge who experienced load shedding but managed to maintain their awesome atmosphere and added to our night being even more memorable.

Mike let me know that we had one more surprise on the list. We went to Primi Piatti at the Waterfront where both of our families were waiting to congratulate us.

I don't think our day could have been more perfect, from the weather, to making some new friends on the beach. The Lord really had his hand on our whole day and we are just so excited that this marks a new beginning in our journey. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Proposal: The Plan!

Thanks for reading!

Monday 18 March 2013

Caution !

A lot seems to have changed in a very short amount of time... whether I've wanted it to.. or NOT!
I have moved back to Cape Town and in a drastic turn of events, I have found myself working at an old age home for those with dementia or any other kind of psych diagnosis really' varying from mild depression and anxiety to catatonic schizophrenia! (I didn't even know that actually existed)

In the short 7 weeks that I've been working here, some residents have arrived and then left again and some have told me they are ready to die (and they're still kicking) and a resident actually did pass away.

I have had countless conversations about absolute nonsense (due to the dementia), I have heard how many proud grandparents boast about their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren's success! I have played bingo with a 96 year old and I have been called Desire.. more than once ;)

I have witnessed frail old women defend their territory by poking anyone who comes into their bubble with their walking stick, I have witnessed a woman try to steal a massive potted plant (just picture it in your head) and I got to read a book compiled by one of my residents.

I have met doctors, teachers, stay at home mothers, accountants, a lady who makes jewelry, a woman who won prizes for her crafts and a man who flew fighter planes in WWII and managed to bomb the area where his daughter's future father-in-law was stationed as a soldier.

I have wiped away tears, held hands, I have told many jokes and been the but of a couple. I have given away more hugs than I care to admit and probably talk too much.

I have improved my knitting and beat a woman at scrabble who I think is the most intelligent woman I have ever met!

I get to play with our therapy pets, go on outings and a residents parrot now lets me stroke his head without trying to take my finger off.

I have learnt many lessons, but the one I'd like to share today is the one they tell me the most: Don't get old!

My job is also challenging, and some days I don't feel that I'm cut out for all the emotional trauma. But just writing this post has convinced me that I have already gained so much and stand to gain so much more if only I am always willing to give a bit of myself and am willing to persevere.

Being old is not determined by your age but rather what fuels your mind and heart.
photo credit:

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Highlights of 2012

Its SO important to take stock of our highlights!
1.       Because most of us complain a heck of a lot!
2.       Because lets be real.. who remembers the bad times???
3.       Because I believe that we don’t deserve any special treatment over anyone else so when cool stuff comes our way we should give thanks where thanks is due!
- 1st January: I started the year off with a bang at the Ruins in St Francis bay with my best friend, some amazingly cool friends and every 16 year old male from the Eastern Cape (and possibly a few brave stragglers from Durbs)
- Dirk Ellis Junior: He drinks caramel vodka, has a house over-looking the ocean in Cape St. Francis and the most intelligent, adorable dog! On hot days he brought us suckers and sweets, at braais he brings freshly caught sashimi for starters and basically reminds you of bear grylls. Our friend Dirkie has really been a stalwart figure of this year that we really couldn’t have done without!
- Meeting the com serves. We’ve seen one another through various ups and downs but I really can’t say I would have picked a different group of girls. From birthdays to camping to random nights out at Dodgy’s.. I’ll have a hard time forgetting you all (:
- Trips to East London. OH MY HAT. What great fun! The discovery of Numbers Nightclub and their numerous LUMO parties also The Boys Next Door (Dave, Ali, John and Xavi) and the girls on the other side! Everytime I went up was such a special time and so worth the drive!
- Roadtrip to The Burra. Eish! WHYYY would that be a highlight??? The music of course ;) Newton Faulkner, Noah and the Whale, Miike Snow and Gotye’s “Somebody that I used to know” countless times on repeat. Ok but really, we drove through the Majestic Kei (which I’d never done before). The company was so good I couldn’t sleep at all and they let me play in the park at Wimpy. The roadtrip also meant some quality time with 2 of my best friends on Earth! How special?! (: That weekend we also managed to fit 10 people on a golf cart. BOOM!
- Another sure highlight was firstly winning tickets to see Two Door Cinema Club and then getting to go with my bestest, Ross and Bron. What a completely EPIC adventure and one of my favourite bands EVER!
- I completed the 2 Oceans in the pouring rain and spent a great few days in CT with friends and family.
- I got put under conscious sedation.. it was hilarious!
- Knysna!!! With the boys next door and Caits and Lys, Knysna with Jess Voss and her family, Knysna on route to CT with Jess Engelke and later with Elani. Knysna is just so NICE!
- A fat catch up and heart to heart with my favourite boy from Westville <3
- Tragus piercing and watching The Lucky One with Terri and Jess VB
- My Tattoos!
- St Francis with the Brombachers.. I fill in the dates on my calendar as soon as I get them. My other family and I just feel so  privileged to have met them!
- Every single familiar face I’ve seen out on com serve!
- Billabong Pro! :D
- Bonding with Neesh, Presh and Gen
- Going to see Switchfoot with so many of my amazing friends!
- Meeting Jon Foreman and his merry men at a braai in Jbay with more amazing friends
- Meeting Sean Starnes because he turned my com serve year around for the better!!
- Mozam with my amazing friends. My word! :D
- Thailand with amazing girls. Honest, couldn’t have asked for a better time!
- Wave/ surfer watching at Magnas
- Getting Rhino the hamster.. honestly that boy is such a clown but he makes my home even happier
- Seeing all my awesome friend’s faces stuck up in my lounge has made this flat my home!
- Falling asleep to the waves breaking on the shore
- Meeting Andrew Parkes. Honest, the boy is a legend and my LIFE is better off for having met him.
- Bonding with my momma
- Lemon & Fig coffee shop in PE! Thanks Jess Crankshaw
- Road trip to ADDO elephant park with the Aleph interns
- Serving at the Billabong junior pro
- Dancing like complete and utter randoms at our various spots
- Meeting The Party ;) and then being part of the discovery of their 2 newest members
- Kyle Maher's NPS number plate
- Sarah Murless, Sarah Van Rensburg, Jaclyn Neethling.
- Amy Maltby, her mom, rusks and her books!
- MUSIC. So Many New and GREAT bands!
- Dress up parties, photo shoots, good times, bonding with the interns <3
- SKYPE!!!!!!
- Completing my com serve (:
- New and Old friendships
- Countless lessons learnt
- So many blessings!

bring on 2013 (=

Thursday 1 November 2012

Oh to see the dawn on the darkest day

The song is 100% worth a listen!

Inspiration strikes me at the weirdest times for sure! For no more reason than maybe the song I am just currently listening to (Thanks Ramsay Collins once again for a real masterpiece)
So, for those of you who don’t know, I work in health and for the government and some days I honestly wonder why.
A good day consists of a cute baby, a language we can both understand and if it’s a really good day, my patient is compliant too!
A not so good day consists of billions of patients wanting a disability grant for their pain.
I think that the abovementioned song hit me so hard today because all too often I find myself losing my cool -until I need someone else’s help and they start huffing and puffing at my ignorance!

So, I think that if you listen to the lyrics of that song and if you are on my wave level, the point that I am trying to make is that we are all poor – we are all powerless.. we all mess up and make mistakes.. we don’t always have a clue what to do next, where to go next and sometimes even when we know, we are afraid and need someone to believe in us so we have the courage to take that next step! What a privilege to be able to help a fellow human in that way?! It goes so much more beyond doing a good deed for the day ;) It requires giving a bit of your heart to the person whom you are inspiring..

SO, challenge to myself and to you if you’re willing to do this with me..
GO THE EXTRA MILE for someone who needs it! Help that person help themselves! Give someone a fishing rod and teach them how to fish. Ok, I’ll stop with the corny metaphors.
But for realises, how much better would our city, country, world be if we just bothered to help one another out once in a while.
Pictures found on Pinterest: The Poor and Powerless

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Pablo's big break!

So, imagine this.. You've just had an EPIC holiday in mozam with a bunch of really KIFF mates, you're already feeling bleak about having to return to 'normal' life in Humansdorp (where IS that?!) when suddenly, you remember your car keys are in a cute little drawer back in Durbs.. EISH!
Luckily, with 10 whole minutes before my plane landed, I managed to pull a plan together. Here is how the rest of the day and subsequent week turned out
PROBLEM: need to get to work in Jbay
SOLUTION: Hire car!
PROBLEM: spare car key in flat, flat key in car
SOLUTION: Get locksmith to break into flat and retrieve spare key
PROBLEM: Car is in PE
SOLUTION: Make an event out of the PE trip by having dinner with a lovely friend and a fun sleepover!

PROBLEM: original car key has not yet arrived

PROBLEM: still no car key!
PROBLEM: Elani needs to go to the airport in PE
SOLUTION: Make it a fun mini road trip with dress shopping at YDE and yummo sushi at Fushin
PROBLEM: Discovery that spare car key is now missing too
SOLUTION: ... ... ... wait for original car key to arrive

PROBLEM: truckers are striking and therefore still no key!

PROBLEM: my flat key got stuck in the door when the delivery guy came
SOLUTION: left flat door wide open while signing delivery papers downstairs
(I've edited out more than 50% of the struggles I faced in getting my car keys back!)
FINALLY after many unsuccessful phone calls and MUCH confusion, Pablo's extended stay outside of Elani's flat ended and he was more than happy to head on back home.

WHAT could I have possibly learnt other than an immense amount of patience you ask? KINDNESS
As you may well imagine, this week long torment has lead me to encounter many individuals. Some of whom were inexplicably kind and others who just were not.
The overwhelming comfort and relief I experienced when coming into contact with those few genuine, friendly people who were willing to go out of their way to help me probably will never know that this week they helped to save my sanity!
So, the next time an individual comes up to you, with that crazy kind of look in their eyes, take a minute to remember that sometime, you're gonna need the help of a stranger too! Lets be patient and kind towards those we know and even those we don't,  because we never really know what others are going through and the impact we are able to make in their lives just with a little smile (=

[Thanks to MUMFORD AND SONS for an incredible album in Babel and thanks to the AWESOME guy at Budget Car Hire, Troy Marais (you champion), Noma at UTi, my rad delivery guy and those who lifted me around! Your kindness is MUCH appreciated!]

Wednesday 12 September 2012

me? excessive? NEVER!

Photo: Tricia Mckellar
Listening to: Frankie Rose - Pair of Wings
if you put the hauntingly awesome sound of this woman's voice aside, the lyrics themselves are nothing short of inspiring. My favourite lines are "On clouds I'll sing and dance, I just might fall but I'll take that chance"

most of the time, a song convicts me on something i KNOW i should do but dont.. How often do we stand on the ground, only to stare up at the clouds, instead of allowing ourselves to live on them! We live vicariously through movies, or books, or those who have been brave enough to take the chances that we should have.

im not saying quit your job, sell your things and couch surf around the world for the rest of your life. but i am saying we are creatures of habit.. So find yours, break them and find the little things in life that make you feel like you're living in the clouds.

if its in chocolate - eat your chocolate. if its in nature - find that quiet, beautiful place and retreat. if its in music - play your song on full volume and let it transport you. whatever it is - find it, do it, and do it often.

Credit must be given to Nick Meinert, without whom i would probably never have found Frankie Rose.